
GypsyUndomiel (11:55:50 PM): ::Kyle had gone back home before dawn had broke, leaving the three elves to themselves. He needed to get a few things done before he could return back to the house::
(11:56:55 PM): ::Tatl remained passed out on the kitchen floor, blocking the entrance::
GypsyUndomiel (11:58:19 PM): ::One eye slid open as the clock rolled over to read 7:57 AM. Jael blinked his eyes for a moment and glanced over to his companion::
XlonecrysoliteX (11:59:13 PM): ::Rysina stirred some and slowly awoke::
GypsyUndomiel (11:59:51 PM): ::He watched her wordlessly::
XlonecrysoliteX (12:01:37 AM): ::She would eventually look up him and notice he was also awake. She gave a warm smile:: Hey
GypsyUndomiel (12:02:04 AM): Morning ::He stifled a yawn:: Sleep well?
XlonecrysoliteX (12:02:34 AM): ::she nodded:: And you?
GypsyUndomiel (12:03:07 AM): Quite nicely, as a matter of fact. ::He smiled some::
GypsyUndomiel (12:03:56 AM): (ever seen me, myself, and irene?)
XlonecrysoliteX (12:04:14 AM): I'm glad ::she moved away from him some and stretched her arms out::
GypsyUndomiel (12:04:43 AM): (was gonna make a reference)
GypsyUndomiel (12:05:02 AM): ::He rubbed at his eyes gently and stifled another yawn::
GypsyUndomiel (12:05:34 AM): These mattresses ... ? ::he hoped he used the right word:: aren't too bad.
XlonecrysoliteX (12:07:49 AM): Hmm..you're right ::she sat up a little and put her hand against the mattress, pushing down and testing it::
GypsyUndomiel (12:08:42 AM): ::the matteress moved like in the late night advertisements::
GypsyUndomiel (12:09:00 AM): ::Jael sat up::
GypsyUndomiel (12:11:20 AM): Covers could be better...but they're soft too.
GypsyUndomiel (12:11:57 AM): ::he wondered if that bear on the box, Snuggles, had anything to do with it.
XlonecrysoliteX (12:12:10 AM): ::Rysina sighed comfortably and plopped her head back down against a pillow::
GypsyUndomiel (12:13:24 AM): ::After stretching, he pulled the covers back over him and flopped back down::
XlonecrysoliteX (12:13:35 AM): (or dude...watch, snuggles comes out from the picture in the box, just like in The Ring, and tries to snuggle up against Jael...or worse)
GypsyUndomiel (12:16:23 AM): What do you think we should do today?
XlonecrysoliteX (12:17:52 AM): Hmm..I don't know. I don't want to think about having to search for a job again, but we have to eventually
GypsyUndomiel (12:18:42 AM): ::He nodded, then turned to look at her:: I am so sorry what I did to you. I didn't mean to hurt you.
XlonecrysoliteX (12:21:37 AM): ::she was looking up at the ceiling:: I know, Jael. As long as you quit, I'll be happy.
GypsyUndomiel (12:23:08 AM): ::Jael wished he knew what else to tell her, but he was at a loss.::
GypsyUndomiel (12:23:12 AM): ::more lying in bed::
XlonecrysoliteX (12:23:52 AM): And...I think we should talk more often. I don't want to know how you're feeling only if we get into a fight...
GypsyUndomiel (12:25:27 AM): ::He laughed a little at that thought:: That does seem to be the only time we really ever open up
XlonecrysoliteX (12:26:45 AM): Yeah...that's when everything seems to be forced out. I guess we both need to work on that
GypsyUndomiel (12:27:23 AM): And we have lots of time to do that now
GypsyUndomiel (12:29:05 AM): ::He pushed the covers off and stood up out of bed to look around::
XlonecrysoliteX (12:29:11 AM): Yes ::she smiled and then looked over at the clock and sighed:: I do not want to get up
GypsyUndomiel (12:29:39 AM): Me either..but uh... ::he scratched his head:: ... do you remember where the... erm....bathroom...is..?
XlonecrysoliteX (12:30:34 AM): Um...Out there to the left...and I think there's a bathroom on the right
GypsyUndomiel (12:32:21 AM): ::Jael nodded and started to the door:: Wish me luck. ::He left in search of the bathroom::
XlonecrysoliteX (12:34:05 AM): ::Relunctantly, Rysina got up, making the bed before she went downstairs. She'd step over the sleeping Tatl to get into the kitchen and gather ingredients to cook up some breakfast::
XlonecrysoliteX (12:35:13 AM): ::Tatl sprang up into a sitting position:: Do I smell food??
GypsyUndomiel (12:35:18 AM): ::Jael eventually wandered downstairs::
XlonecrysoliteX (12:36:13 AM): ::she was startled and would drop the spoon in her hand::
XlonecrysoliteX (12:37:13 AM): ::the sound of bones cracking would be heard as he stood up:: Oww
GypsyUndomiel (12:37:24 AM): ::Jael opened the kitchen door::
XlonecrysoliteX (12:37:39 AM): ::SMACK::
GypsyUndomiel (12:37:47 AM): What the...
GypsyUndomiel (12:37:55 AM): ::Pushes door, trying to get in::
XlonecrysoliteX (12:38:14 AM): ::she just watched, amused::
GypsyUndomiel (12:38:23 AM): Open up!
XlonecrysoliteX (12:38:28 AM): ::the door keeps hitting him::
XlonecrysoliteX (12:38:51 AM): Urgh...Neverr!
GypsyUndomiel (12:39:24 AM): ::Pushes harder::
XlonecrysoliteX (12:39:31 AM): You're going to break the door...
GypsyUndomiel (12:39:46 AM): ::whack whack::
GypsyUndomiel (12:39:53 AM): What's in the way?
XlonecrysoliteX (12:40:27 AM): ME you ass! I'm stuck!
GypsyUndomiel (12:41:34 AM): Well...get...unstuck, maybe?
XlonecrysoliteX (12:41:53 AM): ::tries to jerk free:: Urghhhhhh RAWRRR
XlonecrysoliteX (12:42:42 AM): ::she went to one of the cupboards, just kind of ignoring them::
XlonecrysoliteX (12:42:57 AM): Wait...maybe if I pull and you push hard at the same time...
GypsyUndomiel (12:43:31 AM): Hmm. Let's try it
XlonecrysoliteX (12:43:52 AM): On 3...1...2...
XlonecrysoliteX (12:44:03 AM): 3! ::he pulls hard::
GypsyUndomiel (12:44:35 AM): ::pushes hard::
XlonecrysoliteX (12:45:39 AM): ::the door flies open, Tatl's sleeve having gotten caught somehow in the door, and he stumbles backwards, running into Rysina and falling back on her::
XlonecrysoliteX (12:45:50 AM): ::screams::
GypsyUndomiel (12:45:56 AM): ::Jael flies threw the door and lands on Tatl::
XlonecrysoliteX (12:46:06 AM): ::is crushed::
GypsyUndomiel (12:46:16 AM): Hey, it worked!
XlonecrysoliteX (12:46:26 AM): Oof
XlonecrysoliteX (12:46:43 AM): ::he looked up at Jael and raised his eyebrows::
GypsyUndomiel (12:47:38 AM): ::Jael rolled off of Tatl::
XlonecrysoliteX (12:49:04 AM): ::Tatl turned over so that he could stand himself up and then noticed that he was on top of Rysina:: Oh....heyy ::he said in a sexy voice::
XlonecrysoliteX (12:49:21 AM): ::glare::
GypsyUndomiel (12:49:57 AM): ::Jael pulled Tatl off of her:: Are you all right? ::this to Ry::
XlonecrysoliteX (12:51:11 AM): ::she sits up:: I'll be fine ::she said softly, but then thought she'd be scarred forever because of Tatl::
XlonecrysoliteX (12:52:15 AM): ::he hits the wall:: I'm great, thanks for asking...So uh, you two? What's up?
GypsyUndomiel (12:52:39 AM): ::Jael offered her a hand:: Here, let me help.
XlonecrysoliteX (12:53:13 AM): Thank you ::she smiled::
GypsyUndomiel (12:53:31 AM): Anytime
GypsyUndomiel (12:53:51 AM): ::He returned the smile:: What are you making?
XlonecrysoliteX (12:54:41 AM): Scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon
XlonecrysoliteX (12:55:10 AM): ::Tatl stands up and kinda waves at them:: Uh, hey...
GypsyUndomiel (12:55:25 AM): Smells good ::pats stomach as he continues to ignore--or just not hear Tatl::
XlonecrysoliteX (12:57:10 AM): Ah. Heh. I get it ::I think...::
XlonecrysoliteX (12:59:30 AM): It won't be too much longer. You can get something to drink or just sit down if you want
GypsyUndomiel (12:59:30 AM): ::He scratched his head and spared Tatl a glance at last::
GypsyUndomiel (12:59:34 AM): Oh yeah. Are you okay?
GypsyUndomiel (12:59:56 AM): ::Jael leaned against the counter::

XlonecrysoliteX (1:00:03 AM): ::big glare::
GypsyUndomiel (1:00:38 AM): ::Jael shrugged and winked over to Ry::
XlonecrysoliteX (1:00:43 AM):
::Rysina went back to cooking::
GypsyUndomiel (1:02:16 AM): /Things are good/ ::he sent to Tatl:
XlonecrysoliteX (1:03:13 AM):
/Wow...what did you do? I give you props...but eh...what about Kyle?/
GypsyUndomiel (1:04:55 AM): /Talked, CAN you believe it? Kyle..what about him?/
XlonecrysoliteX (1:05:49 AM):
::blank stare:: /you're joking, right? But yeah...talked. I'm sure/ ::wink::
GypsyUndomiel (1:06:25 AM): ::He wink back slowly and unsurely:: /Joking...about what?/
XlonecrysoliteX (1:09:03 AM):
/we're still going to take out Kyle, right? Stop playing with me, man/
GypsyUndomiel (1:10:32 AM): /Oh. That./
GypsyUndomiel (1:10:42 AM): ::a moment passed.:: /THAT!/
XlonecrysoliteX (1:11:04 AM):
::Rysina glanced back at them to make sure no one was dead; they were awfully quiet::
XlonecrysoliteX (1:11:21 AM): ::glaring at Jael::
XlonecrysoliteX (1:11:36 AM): /quick! glare! she's looking!/
GypsyUndomiel (1:12:45 AM): ::he glared back and to make it more dramatic, he growled::
GypsyUndomiel (1:12:51 AM): /How did that sound?/
XlonecrysoliteX (1:13:32 AM):
/that was groovy, baby/ ::he'd add in an eyebrow raise::
XlonecrysoliteX (1:13:45 AM): ::she shook her head and turned around again::
XlonecrysoliteX (1:14:43 AM): /yeah, so Kyle...his assassination is still on, right?/
GypsyUndomiel (1:15:33 AM): /Assassination...yes...could it be something not as bad?/
XlonecrysoliteX (1:16:29 AM):
::he laughed hard::
GypsyUndomiel (1:16:56 AM): ::Jael's ears perked a bit at the out burst::
GypsyUndomiel (1:17:00 AM): /What's so funny?/
XlonecrysoliteX (1:17:12 AM):
::she started to turn around again, but then remembered that this was Tatl, and ignored it::
XlonecrysoliteX (1:18:07 AM): /what is this "something not as bad" do you suppose, then?/ ::joking around::
GypsyUndomiel (1:20:16 AM): /She told me she never had feelings for him./ ::*Well, not in so many words, but she told me!*:: /I don't think we need to kill-kill him...just...injure him/
XlonecrysoliteX (1:21:02 AM):
/and how do you suppose we do that without having him come after us, ehh? haha/
GypsyUndomiel (1:21:58 AM): /Us? You hired someone!/
XlonecrysoliteX (1:24:27 AM):
/anyways, she must be lying then. I've seen them get pretty close...seems like she'd be willing to tell him anything. And besides, the guy I hired is an assassin. He shoots to kill. It'd be against some code to just injure...I think? Yeah, that's it/
GypsyUndomiel (1:25:54 AM): /She doesn't lie./ ::*Right?*:: /You think it'll be against a code?/
XlonecrysoliteX (1:27:54 AM):
/but maybe she does! And yeah, it's against a code. How would you feel about only getting something half done?/
GypsyUndomiel (1:29:02 AM): /Pretty bad./ ::he admited and frowned::
GypsyUndomiel (1:29:26 AM): ::He stood erect, away from the counter and left the kitchen, not feeling too well::
XlonecrysoliteX (1:31:23 AM):
All done! ::she turned around and then frowned:: Where-...What did you do?
XlonecrysoliteX (1:31:34 AM): Don't look at me! I didn't say a word
GypsyUndomiel (1:32:43 AM): ::Jael paced about the house::
XlonecrysoliteX (1:33:30 AM):
Well here...try not to eat it all... ::she set the breakfast down on the table::
GypsyUndomiel (1:33:31 AM): ::He was going to be the cause for Kyle's death sentence and there wasn't a damned thing he could do. Didn't the furball actually save his and Ry's life at sometime before Tatl's odd turn to chilling out::
XlonecrysoliteX (1:34:30 AM):
::Rysina left the kitchen in search of Jael::
GypsyUndomiel (1:35:11 AM): ::pace pace pace::
XlonecrysoliteX (1:35:20 AM):
Hehe... ::he set out to work on gobbling down food::
GypsyUndomiel (1:36:16 AM): ::Could he tell Kyle? No. He couldn't. It'd ruin things with him and Rysina. And since the banishments from the Elven Lands, she was the only thing left where he could remember at least somewhat who and what he had been::
XlonecrysoliteX (1:37:30 AM):
Hey...what's wrong? I thought everything was okay...
GypsyUndomiel (1:38:46 AM): Huh? ::He turned around to look at her and his face softened a bit:: Oh it is. I just needed to stretch my legs out a bit
XlonecrysoliteX (1:39:36 AM):
::she looked at him:: You're sure?
GypsyUndomiel (1:41:36 AM): ::Jael broke out in a small smile:: Yes, I'm sure. Thanks.
XlonecrysoliteX (1:43:40 AM):
Okay...I better get back before Tatl eats everything... ::she'd give him one last glance and then quickly return to the kitchen. Rysina was disappointed. Already he was putting distance between them, she could tell::
XlonecrysoliteX (1:45:10 AM): Hey! ::she shouted at Tatl; all that was left was a single piece of toast::
GypsyUndomiel (1:45:19 AM): ::After a few moments, he'll follow after Ry::
XlonecrysoliteX (1:45:54 AM):
You're a great cook..almost as good as Snickerdoodlefuncakes! ::he licked his lips with a long tongue::
GypsyUndomiel (1:47:09 AM): I smell food...but don't see any
XlonecrysoliteX (1:47:15 AM):
::she picked up the "last of the toasts" and carefully broke it in half and sighed::
GypsyUndomiel (1:47:17 AM): ::big puppy dog elf frown::
XlonecrysoliteX (1:47:45 AM):
::she'd hand it towards Jael:: Well...eat up I guess
GypsyUndomiel (1:48:10 AM): Looks like nice toast. ::Evel glare at Tatl::
XlonecrysoliteX (1:49:04 AM):
/that's what you get for leaving! Now you've made Rysina suffer, too.../ ::he'd give Jael a mock frown::
GypsyUndomiel (1:54:03 AM): :;Jael had to restrain himself greatly to keep himself from lunging over at Tatl:: /Shut up you.../ ::he thought for a moment of a phrase he heard passed around at the club:: /...dick head!/
XlonecrysoliteX (1:55:12 AM):
/I will not tolerate that kind of language, young man!/ ::he pushed his chair away from the table and tried to mock Jael, storming out of the kitchen and into the living room::
XlonecrysoliteX (1:55:55 AM): ::Rysina decided she was not going to ask and weakly took a bite out of her half piece of toast::
GypsyUndomiel (1:56:30 AM): UGH! ::Jael let out experated and sat down at the table. He slammed his head on the table in frustration::
XlonecrysoliteX (1:57:32 AM):
::she jumped up, startled, and dropped her half piece of toast with a bite taken out of it onto the floor::
XlonecrysoliteX (1:58:53 AM): ::when she leaned down and picked it up, there was a long Tatl hair on it. She closed her eyes for a moment before standing up and carefully disposing the toast into the trash::
XlonecrysoliteX (1:59:38 AM): ::she walked back over to Jael and carefully put her hand on his shoulder::
XlonecrysoliteX (2:00:36 AM): I do not know what is going on with you two...but maybe we should leave
GypsyUndomiel (2:00:37 AM): ::His head raised up. A large red mark was on his forehead:::
GypsyUndomiel (2:01:16 AM): Leave?
XlonecrysoliteX (2:01:51 AM):
Go back to our house and get away from Tatl
GypsyUndomiel (2:02:40 AM): What about Kyle? ::he croaked out before he could stop the words pouring out::
XlonecrysoliteX (2:03:31 AM):
I can call him later..
GypsyUndomiel (2:04:27 AM): ::*She has his number?!*::
GypsyUndomiel (2:04:45 AM): ::He nodded:: Okay. You sure Tatl'll be all right without supervision?
XlonecrysoliteX (2:06:04 AM):
I think he can...survive on his own for a bit
GypsyUndomiel (2:07:07 AM): Not him, the house's fondation
XlonecrysoliteX (2:07:29 AM):
::she nodded:: I can lay down the rules for him
GypsyUndomiel (2:08:46 AM): That'll be good, for the house's sake. ::Grin::
XlonecrysoliteX (2:10:29 AM):
Hmm...::she quickly picked up the dishes and put them in the sink, running water over them to let them soak:: Okay...::she walked back over to him::
GypsyUndomiel (2:11:29 AM): ::He offered his hand out to her::
XlonecrysoliteX (2:12:48 AM):
::she extended her's:: Oh..um.. ::she leaned towards him and very gently kissed where he had hit his forehead::
GypsyUndomiel (2:13:45 AM): ::His cheeks felt warm as slight redness crept up:;
GypsyUndomiel (2:14:07 AM): Feels better, thank you.
GypsyUndomiel (2:14:12 AM): ::He held her hand::
XlonecrysoliteX (2:16:16 AM):
::Tatl sat in his usual space on the couch, watching some cartoon::
XlonecrysoliteX (2:18:00 AM): ::Rysina would lead Jael into the living room and tried to move past Tatl quickly, but paused:: If you destroy anything or do not do the dishes, I'll kill you ::and left with Jael::