Yngslayer: ic
XLoneCrysoliteX: guess ill start with crys in her room then
XLoneCrysoliteX: IC
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::Crysolite stood in her guest room in Evaelon,
trying to sort out everything that was going on::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::Tatl was dead, Jael had gone mad, and she
had just been somewhat attacked by Rysina...what would be next?::
Yngslayer: ::Ceria had been in with the council chambers in
long talks with her father and other high elves as they questioned her and brain
stormed about what would be done of Jael's current state and where Rysina had
gone. Then there was the concern of Tatl's death and... Crysolite, alone, was
a mystery of what they should do to her::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she sat on the edge of her bed and sighed.
This was just all too much, and she still wasn't sure how she felt about everything::
Yngslayer: ::Elroand had decided the best thing to do was not
allow Crysolite to be allowed to be exposed to Jael, thus he ordered for her
to be arrested and to be taken into Evaelon custody while the city was to be
in shut down, with Ceria being confined to her quarters. She was escorted out
of the chambers as other guards moved to go find Crysolite::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she pondered about what really was happening
to Jael. Since Rysina had come, Crysolite hadn't really talked to Jael all that
much...she felt kind of bad for it::
Yngslayer: ::A heavy rap sounded at Crys' door::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::startled, she looked up:: What?!
Yngslayer: Open the door
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she stood up and walked closer to the door::
Why? Who's there?
Yngslayer: I will not ask again, open up or we will force our
way in, Lady Crysolite
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she hesitated before opening the door a
crack and peeking out::
Yngslayer: ::Several guards stood outside. The leader pushed
the door open:: By order of the King, you are under arrest
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she stepped back:: What?! What for?
Yngslayer: A threat to Evaelon. Traitor. It'll be easier if
you came with us. We will use force if needed
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she glared at the leader:: How dare you
call me a traitor!
Yngslayer: We can't take any risks, especially concerning how
your cousin has reacted. ::He lifted his arm up and held a gun::
XLoneCrysoliteX: Rude...
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she took a few steps toward him::
Yngslayer: We don't have all day. Surrender.
Yngslayer: ::The other guards lifted their own weapons::
XLoneCrysoliteX: I'll go... ::she grumbled::
Yngslayer: Hands behind your back ::he ordered::
Yngslayer: If you try anything, you will be shot
XLoneCrysoliteX: Sheesh... ::she did as she was told::
Yngslayer: ::She would be restrained with magical handcuffs
and then be patted down for any weapons::
Yngslayer: (do they find any?)
XLoneCrysoliteX: (nope)
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she made a face of disgust as they searched
Yngslayer: ::When they finished the search, she would be escorted
up to about three levels and into a room where she would then be commanded to
sit down at a chair and table::
Yngslayer: ::More guards, of higher security, are present,
silently watching her::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::Crysolite began feeling really nervous...why
did they think she was that much of a threat? Just because Jael was her cousin....::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she fidgeted in the chair, looking down
at her feet::
Yngslayer: ::After she was chained to the chair, she would
be left alone for several minutes::
Yngslayer: ::The door would open and a largely built elf, intimidating,
walked in, closing the door and locking it.:: Crysolite Navi....cousin to that
bastard Jael Do'Urden that murdered our people.
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she continued to stare at her feet, not
even glancing up at him::
Yngslayer: Is that what you're here for? To kill the rest of
us as well?
Yngslayer: Finish what your brother and cousin didn't?
Yngslayer: ::He sat on the edge of the desk in front of her::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she glared up at him:: I have done nothing
Yngslayer: That is besides the point. Why are your people seeking
such a blood bath of war with our people? We have had peace between our two
cities for eons now
Yngslayer: : Tell us where Jael and Rysina Nighttraveller are,
and you will be freed.
XLoneCrysoliteX: Like I know...
Yngslayer: You would. You do share a link with him, do you
XLoneCrysoliteX: He hasn't exactly been himself lately
Yngslayer: You must know where he is. He expressed his protectiveness
over you very strongly.
Yngslayer: So we've noticed.
XLoneCrysoliteX: Really? Then who are you calling him a bastard?
Yngslayer: 100 soldiers and guards dead. 55 causalities of
women, men, and children.
Yngslayer: Children.
Yngslayer: All thanks to your cousin.
XLoneCrysoliteX: Yeah. It's sad. But I didn't kill them. I
don't know where he is.
Yngslayer: I find that hard to believe
XLoneCrysoliteX: If I knew I wouldn't be here now. I'd be out
searching for him.
Yngslayer: ::He smacked her hard:: Don't lie to me.
XLoneCrysoliteX: Bastard!
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she wiggled in the chair, unable to get
Yngslayer: WHERE IS HE?!
XLoneCrysoliteX: UP YOUR ASS!!
Yngslayer: ::He punched her hard to draw blood::
XLoneCrysoliteX: This is why we hate you.
Yngslayer: I can care less. I want the threat to be abolished.
If you don't want a death sentence as well, I
suggest you tell me where he is!
XLoneCrysoliteX: Then I guess I'll just have to die because
I don't know!
Yngslayer: Lying...
Yngslayer: ::He hit her again::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she looked away from him::
Yngslayer: We'll be here all day.
XLoneCrysoliteX: I don't mind. You'd probably just lock me
up anyways.
Yngslayer: ::He grasped her chin roughly:: When we find him,
you will die with him.
XLoneCrysoliteX: Don't touch me ::she tried to pull away from
Yngslayer: ::His grip tightened::
Yngslayer: You good for nothing...
Yngslayer: ::he raised his other hand up to punch her when
the door opened::
Yngslayer: My lady, what are you doing here? ::He asked, confused::
Yngslayer: ::Ceria shook her head at him and muttered words
under her breath that caused him to fly backwards and hit the wall hard enough
to go unconscious::
Yngslayer: Crysolite!
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she watched him fly backwards, glad he wouldn't
scream at her anymore::
Yngslayer: ::Ceria ran to Crys::: What happened?
XLoneCrysoliteX: He wanted to know where Jael was
Yngslayer: ::She frowned:: Did you tell him?
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she shook her head::
Yngslayer: ::Ceria helped her out of the chair::
XLoneCrysoliteX: Thank you...
Yngslayer: Jael and Rysina have a death sentence on their heads
if anyone of Evaelon finds them.
Yngslayer: We need to find them before someone else does
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she wiped some of the blood from the corner
of her lips, then nodded::
XLoneCrysoliteX: I wish we knew more about what's going on
Yngslayer: Fill me on what you know...and then I'll fill in
the missing pieces
Yngslayer: ::She'll led her out of the room and down a hall::
XLoneCrysoliteX: Hmm...well, they're probably in Gaelon right
now ::she whispered::
XLoneCrysoliteX: I don't know if Jael is okay or not, though
Yngslayer: What do you mean?
Yngslayer: ::She'll help her get out of the castle areas safely::
XLoneCrysoliteX: It's really hard to tell or not if he's still...possessed
Yngslayer: Have you been in contact with him lately?
XLoneCrysoliteX: No
Yngslayer: You really don't know where he is, do you?
XLoneCrysoliteX: I can only guess
Yngslayer: Gaelon, yeah.
Yngslayer: We'll try there first
XLoneCrysoliteX: Again, thanks back there. He was threatening
the death sentence on me.
XLoneCrysoliteX: Hmm...I'm afraid...What if we find Jael and
he's still, well, possessed? What then?
Yngslayer: We do whatever we must
Yngslayer: ::She'll start walking towards Gaelon::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::follow follow::
Yngslayer: ::A hand came up to touch her head:: Oh, by the
evening star...so much death
XLoneCrysoliteX: We have to stop him
XLoneCrysoliteX: And...
XLoneCrysoliteX: Rysina?
Yngslayer: ::A guard runs up to Crysolite::
Yngslayer: ::Ceria nodded:: Her too
Yngslayer: Lady! Lord Jael has gone mad!
Yngslayer: He's attacking his own people after giving orders
of being alert for any attackers from
Evaelon. What should we do?
XLoneCrysoliteX: Oh no...not our people, too.
Yngslayer: Yes...I'm afraid so. One of the old advisors to
the Do'Urden family has called for all women and children to be in locked down,
for their own safety. And he's also called for a hunt on the Lord, so he can
have an examination
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she slowly shook her head::
Yngslayer: What are you going to do?
XLoneCrysoliteX: Come on. We have to try something, anything
we can.
Yngslayer: Such as, my lady?
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::Crysolite shrugged::
XLoneCrysoliteX: As Ceria said, whatever we have to do, I guess
Yngslayer: Please do something quickly. I admire the Lord Do'Urden
greatly. ::Bowing, he went
Yngslayer: ::Ceria looked at Crysolite::]
Yngslayer: I don't think he's here. If he was... wouldn't the
guard have said something?
XLoneCrysoliteX: Probably...
XLoneCrysoliteX: He can't be too far though
Yngslayer: ::She nodded::
Yngslayer: Where now?
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she looked around::
XLoneCrysoliteX: Uhh
XLoneCrysoliteX: I think he's that way..... ::she pointed in a random
Yngslayer: ::Ceria lifted an eyebrow::
Yngslayer: Sounds good...I suppose
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::Crysolite smiled nervously::
XLoneCrysoliteX: Alrighty then. Let's go!
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she began to walk in that random direction::
Yngslayer: ::Ceria followed::
Yngslayer: ::Jael stretched his arms out:: What now?
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::Rysina yawned:: I don't know...
XLoneCrysoliteX: We can't kill everyone in one day, you know.
Well, we could, but that wouldn't leave much to do later
Yngslayer: ::He nodded:: True.
Yngslayer: ::He picked flesh out of his teeth::
XLoneCrysoliteX: Pig...you're so messy ::she muttered::
Yngslayer: ::Jael moved over to her:: What was that? mmm
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::sigh:: Oh, nothing
Yngslayer: ::He started making kissing noises at her::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she pulled something out of her cloak pocket::
Tic tac? I think you need one... ::she waved her hand in front of her nose::
Yngslayer: :;He held out his hand for one:: Please?
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she gave him a rather large stack:: Now
make sure you eat them all
Yngslayer: ::He popped them all in his mouth at once::
Yngslayer: Mmmmmm.......
XLoneCrysoliteX: Men....you're so stinky ::she turned away
from him to put the tic tacs back into her cloak::
Yngslayer: But you still love meeeee
XLoneCrysoliteX: Yeah, sure
Yngslayer: You know...
Yngslayer: I've been thinking...
Yngslayer: Once I'm officially King. And you Queen...
Yngslayer: I would love...
Yngslayer: to be the father...of your babies.
Yngslayer: (lol)
XLoneCrysoliteX: (lmao)
XLoneCrysoliteX: Actually....I don't think that's going to
Yngslayer: Mmm. Why not?
Yngslayer: ::He rubbed his head against her shoulder::
XLoneCrysoliteX: What if....well, there wasn't a king?
Yngslayer: What do you mean?
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she shook her head and laughed slightly::
Yngslayer: There's always a King, to make a Queen
XLoneCrysoliteX: Not always
Yngslayer: Unless you're into the whole lesbian thing. I could
switch bodies......
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she made a face and pushed him away::
XLoneCrysoliteX: My river runs straight, not curvy
Yngslayer: That sounds sexy
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::made a straight motion with her arm::
XLoneCrysoliteX: Okay, this isn't working...
Yngslayer: What isn't?
XLoneCrysoliteX: Trying to explain to you that, well, I just
don't need you around.
Yngslayer: Excuse me?
XLoneCrysoliteX: Much less want you
Yngslayer: :He lost all humor::
Yngslayer: I made you
XLoneCrysoliteX: No, you were just a great help.
Yngslayer: You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me!
XLoneCrysoliteX: True, but you aren't much use to me anymore.
XLoneCrysoliteX: You're just stinky and take up space.
Yngslayer: Don't make me damage that pretty little face of
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she laughed at him::
XLoneCrysoliteX: I have to admit, you can be funny at times
Yngslayer: ::His eyes narrowed::
XLoneCrysoliteX: The only use I have of you now is to take
your power
XLoneCrysoliteX: Then no one will be even close to my strength
Yngslayer: You can't be serious
XLoneCrysoliteX: What's wrong with my plan? Hmmm? You don't
like it?
Yngslayer: ::He launched himself at her:: Of course I don't
like it!!
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::with a wave of her hand, she reappeared
behind him::
Yngslayer: ::He hit the ground hard::
XLoneCrysoliteX: You should be more careful
Yngslayer: Damn you
Yngslayer: ::He stood up and turned to face her::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she smiled at him::
Yngslayer: ::He extended his hand and forced her backwards
into a tree::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::Rysina stood up and looked back at the tree::
Don't break the trees, now
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she put her hand along the bark:: Poor thing
Yngslayer: Poor thing? I'll have your head
XLoneCrysoliteX: Awww...Why won't you just join me?
XLoneCrysoliteX: That's what you tried to get "Rysina"
to do before
XLoneCrysoliteX: Suddenly you're put into her place and you
oppose it.
Yngslayer: I command you, not the other way around
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::She sighed again::
XLoneCrysoliteX: Your power was meant to be a part of mine.
Why won't you accept it?
Yngslayer: It was supposed to be all mine.
Yngslayer: It would've been interesting to corrupt an elf.
Yngslayer: But nooo
Yngslayer: You just had to ruin it all!
XLoneCrysoliteX: I'm sorry
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she took a few steps toward him:: You'll
be a part of me. It's not like you'll be dead.
Yngslayer: Puh-leeze
Yngslayer: ::He grabbed her by the throat::
XLoneCrysoliteX: You're just wasting time
Yngslayer: Shut up
Yngslayer: ::He licked her face::
Yngslayer: I will have my power back, you ungrateful wench
XLoneCrysoliteX: You shouldn't have done that...
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she brought her hands up and shot a large
fireball right in his face::
Yngslayer: ::He flew backwards, screaming::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she wiped at the spot on her face where
he had licked::
XLoneCrysoliteX: At least I had given you tic-tacs...
Yngslayer: ::He touched the ground which froze under his touch::
Yngslayer: ::It froze in the general direction of Rysina::
XLoneCrysoliteX: Pretty...
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she teleported off to the side and out of
its path::
Yngslayer: ::He rose up and threw a sheet of ice at her::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she blocked it with her hand, but it was
cut badly::
Yngslayer: I'll have it back..
XLoneCrysoliteX: You keep telling yourself that
Yngslayer: ::He appeared behind her and touched her arms, freezing
XLoneCrysoliteX: Heh. Nice and cold
Yngslayer: For a cold hearted bitch
XLoneCrysoliteX: I'll take that as a compliment
Yngslayer: take it anyway you want
Yngslayer: ::He turned her to face him and grabbed her by the
throat, lifting her off her feet::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she made a strong kick for his groin::
Yngslayer: ::He kicked her foot away::
XLoneCrysoliteX: (would she be able to move her hands and arms,
but just not her elbows if they are
Yngslayer: (he grabbed her arms from behind..hmm)
Yngslayer: (but she can use her ability of making fireballs
for ... heating herself up *wink*)
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::her lips moved as she spoke a few words,
and her arms became heated and mobile again::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she coughed several times before attaching
her hands onto his face, transferring a strong poison over to his body::
Yngslayer: ::He tried throwing her off of him::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::her hands clung and her nails dug partly
into his face::
Yngslayer: LET GO!!! ::He cried out, slowly crumbling to his
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::the poison would gradually paralyze his
body within a matter of moments::
Yngslayer: ::he feel to the ground completely::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she laughed:: You'll barely be able to even
Yngslayer: ::He stared at her helplessly::
XLoneCrysoliteX: You're pathetic. I guess you can only kill
when other's have their back turned to you. Hopefully I will make better use
of "your" powers.
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::As Rysina had done before, she knelt down
beside Jael and put her hands over him, focusing on him to transfer all of his
power over to her::
Yngslayer: ::Whatever's left of Jael calls out for, or tries
at least, for Crysolite::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she opens her eyes, now black, after having
drained most of him::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::Standing up, she brushed herself off and
smiled:: Now I am complete
XLoneCrysoliteX: Let's go find your cousin, hmmm?
Yngslayer: ::Jael's complexion grew paler and his body colder::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she picked up his body, closed her eyes,
and teleported to Gaelon::
XLoneCrysoliteX: Hey! Gaelon is right up there! I told you
I knew where I was going...
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::Rysina appeared right at the entrance of
the Main Hall and barged right in, carrying the drained body::
Yngslayer: ::Many of the citizens looked up and started talking
about the Lord Jael and him being injured and asking who the woman was::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she walked to the middle of the room and
looked at all of the citizens:: I've brought your "Precious Prince"
Yngslayer: What happened? Who are you? ::voices asked::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she dropped him onto the floor::
Yngslayer: *thud*
XLoneCrysoliteX: He only fulfilled what he was meant to do
Yngslayer: Meant to do? What did you do to him?
XLoneCrysoliteX: I only took what was rightfully mine, with
his help of course
Yngslayer: Hurry up, Crys
Yngslayer: ::silence filled the room::
XLoneCrysoliteX: Come on! ::they had finally reached the city
and began making their way to the Main Hall::
Yngslayer: She'll destroy us all! She's the reason our Lord
went mad! ::a voice cried out::
XLoneCrysoliteX: I liked your silence better! ::she pointed
her finger at the person who had cried out and a lighting bolt shot out towards
Yngslayer: ::She flew backwards into a wall hard. Bones were
heard cracking:
XLoneCrysoliteX: Over here! ::she ran up to the entrance and
went in::
Yngslayer: ::Ceria followed quickly:: I think I heard someone
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::they both entered the Main Hall, and Crysolite
stopped upon seeing Rysina and Jael's body lying upon the ground::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she turned to face them:: Ah, there you
two are. I was hoping you'd come
Yngslayer: What in the name of....
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::whisper whisper:: Now what Ceria?
Yngslayer: Uhh...attack her?
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she shot a fireball towards Rysina::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she ducked and it went over her, towards
some of the people::
Yngslayer: I'll go for Jael
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::motioning with her hand, she slid Jael's
body over to them:: He's useless now
Yngslayer: What have you done to him, you crazy...whatever
you are.
Yngslayer: ::Ceria knelt down beside him::
XLoneCrysoliteX: I'm not crazy. I am quite sane
Yngslayer: Yeah, right.
XLoneCrysoliteX: I'm just "special"
Yngslayer: Aren't we all
Yngslayer: /Crys, do something!!/
XLoneCrysoliteX: /I practically hit the croud last time!/
Yngslayer: Everyone get out!
Yngslayer: /I don't care! She needs to be stopped! Jael's in
bad shape/
XLoneCrysoliteX: /Then try and get out of here/
Yngslayer: /Leave you alone...?/
Yngslayer: /With her?/
Yngslayer: /Can you handle her?/
XLoneCrysoliteX: /Just get out of here!/
Yngslayer: /I don't want to leave you alone./
XLoneCrysoliteX: /But you have to help Jael/
Yngslayer: /He can hold on. He's strong/
XLoneCrysoliteX: /What can you do then?/
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she slowly walked towards the two::
Yngslayer: /I don't know...it just wouldn't feel right/
XLoneCrysoliteX: /And it wouldn't feel right for me if I let
you two die in here/
Yngslayer: /I'll take him to Evaelon. I'll get him care. When
you're done here, I'll be waiting for
you two/
XLoneCrysoliteX: /Protect him....Make sure they don't hurt
Yngslayer: /I will/
Yngslayer: ::She picked him up:: /Good luck/
Yngslayer: ooc