Yngslayer: IC XLoneCrysoliteX: IC Solinari15: IC Solinari15: ((where do i start? what city or whatever?)) XLoneCrysoliteX: (hm....u died in Evaelon) XLoneCrysoliteX: (so if you wanna start there...) XLoneCrysoliteX: (u can always teleport or something....i guess....) Yngslayer: ::Ceria had returned to Evaelon with Jael to get him proper healing. Despite the current state of things, her father still allowed him to be healed with guard supervision while she was to be taken away to be punished for disobeying and endangering Evaelon lives:: XLoneCrysoliteX: (and if you wanna use the undead idea go for it) Yngslayer: (so yeah. someone's gonna get flogggeed) XLoneCrysoliteX: ::Crysolite began to fight with Rysina, both using various spells on one another:: XLoneCrysoliteX: (like i said, short battle...lol) XLoneCrysoliteX: ::But in the end, Crysolite was no match for Rysina, thus Rysina being the victor:: Solinari15: ::Tatl strolled down the streets of Evaelon as if he had a purpose, though he really didn't. He was just happy to be alive...again. Skipping a few steps, he began humming, thinking I'm not dead, my cousin, and there's nothing you can do about it. A small smile because at the corners of his mouth.:: XLoneCrysoliteX: ::Rysina walked toward Crysolite, whom sat on the ground, defeated:: XLoneCrysoliteX: I'm impressed. But did you really think you could even hurt me? ::she was now standing next to Crys:: XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she didn't say anything, exhausted from the battle:: Solinari15: ::from within the shadows of the hood of his cloak, Tatle surveyed the street that he was walking along, wondering what he should do on his first day of being alive...again.:: XLoneCrysoliteX: ::then, after a few moments she whispered:: Rysina... XLoneCrysoliteX: Hmmm? ::she knelt down:: Yngslayer: ::Jael was eased out of his clothing into thinnier, softer clothing as he was examined and his wounds cleaned before the healers, if the King had decided Jael would even receive, came.:: Solinari15: ::He cocked his head and smiled:: Hmm...what to do, what to do? Should I find my cousin on this glorious day? Pay him a visit? Should I find my sister....hmm...too many choices choices choices... XLoneCrysoliteX: Guess I was right...there was something evil about you ::she looked up at Rysina suddenly, grabbing her tightly both with a physical and magic hold, and focused her energy on her:: XLoneCrysoliteX: What the... XLoneCrysoliteX: ::As Rysina had done before, Crysolite transfered her powers, only this time draining herself so that Rysina would recieve her own:: XLoneCrysoliteX: No! You can't! ::she screamed, realizing what was happening:: XLoneCrysoliteX: ::after a few moments, Crysolite slumped backwards:: Solinari15: ::a hole opened up in front of Tatl and he stepped through it, appearing in Gaelon:: I've decided to visit my sister. ::he began walking, trying to find her, humming to himself.:: XLoneCrysoliteX: ::Rysina stood up and began to stumble backwards, losing her balance:: XLoneCrysoliteX: (in the Main Hall) Solinari15: (in the main hall of what?) Yngslayer: (the castle) XLoneCrysoliteX: (of the city? lol) XLoneCrysoliteX: (oh it's a castle? wow....) XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she fell onto the ground:: You bitch... ::she muttered, realizing her body could not handle this much power at once:: XLoneCrysoliteX: ::her head hit the ground and she lay still, now unconscious:: Solinari15: ::he slipped into the castle and began to tread lightly towards the Main Hall. Humming small tunes to himself, he smiled as he walked in and saw the two women:: My my, little girls hard at play leave them so so so tired. Aren't they Solinari15: so cute? Yes indead. XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she drowsily looked up:: What? XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she struggled to focus on the figure:: Solinari15: Hello little sister. It's me. I've come to play. ::he grinned a grin that didn't reach his eyes.:: And how're you so tired little sister? XLoneCrysoliteX: I thought you died...again Solinari15: Well...I'm alive. Solinari15: Again. Solinari15: Don't you just love me? XLoneCrysoliteX: Great... ::she said sarcastically:: Solinari15: I love me. Solinari15: And everything about me. XLoneCrysoliteX: /Ceria.../ ::she tried to call out:: Solinari15: That's why I'm alive. Solinari15: If you don't love me, I'm afraid you'll die. Solinari15: And that will be so so so sad, won't it little sister? XLoneCrysoliteX: That's one person that loves you... Yngslayer: /Crysolite?/ XLoneCrysoliteX: /Rysina is down...but.../ Solinari15: Yes yes, one person, one person of many that should should love me. XLoneCrysoliteX: /Tatl..../ Yngslayer: /He's dead/ XLoneCrysoliteX: /No..../ Solinari15: Oh, little sister. ::he laughed like bells chiming:: Are you trying to talk to someone? XLoneCrysoliteX: (so you doing the lord soth thing? cuz if so, crys would feel the "coldness") Solinari15: In your mind? Solinari15: (no, no lord soth thing) XLoneCrysoliteX: (ok) XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she gave him a surprised look:: Yngslayer: /What?/ Solinari15: You look like you are concentrating, yes you do. Solinari15: /I can do it too, little sister./ XLoneCrysoliteX: /He's right here/ XLoneCrysoliteX: (to Ceria...) XLoneCrysoliteX: /STAY OUT OF MY MIND!/ XLoneCrysoliteX: (to tatl) Yngslayer: /WHAT?! Crys!/ XLoneCrysoliteX: /Ceria, I don't know what to do.../ Solinari15: ::he put one hand to his forehead at her mental shout:: Oh little sister, you yell at me. Why do you yell at me? Is this any way to treat your brother? XLoneCrysoliteX: That's the way you use to treat me ::she mumbled:: XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she still sat upon the ground:: Yngslayer: /My father will send aid/ Solinari15: ::he walked up to her sitting form and looked down at her, a sneer fixed upon his face:: What did you say to me? XLoneCrysoliteX: (oh, did i ever mention tatl killed crys before?) Solinari15: (no! i had no idea!) Yngslayer: ::From then, she called to her father and told him of the news:: Yngslayer: (jael was sadden) XLoneCrysoliteX: (he stabbed her before, but she resurrected herself too lol...i forgot about that) Yngslayer: (*sadden expression of lego*) XLoneCrysoliteX: I said that that was the way you use to treat me, yelling at me all the time Solinari15: (good lord, i wish i had known of that before, hollz. this is great news!) XLoneCrysoliteX: (LOL) XLoneCrysoliteX: (so they are kinda even with that. now tat just has to kill jael and then that will be even lol) Solinari15: Oh, but it was only to help you grow up, little sister. Real life is where they yell at you, and hate you and hate you and hate you. XLoneCrysoliteX: Eh ::she was too tired to comment to him:: Yngslayer: ::Evaelon forces are moving out towards Gaelon now, to Crys' aid:: Solinari15: Death, little sister, is good for us all. Death is a nice little holiday. Didn't you see that when I killed you before? Do you want to die again, little sister? XLoneCrysoliteX: I feel like I'm already dead Solinari15: ::from beneath his cloak he drew a shining silver longsword:: Good...that makes my job so much easier. Good night little sister. Sleep tight. And may the worms feast on your corpse! ::he drew the sword back and sent it flashing down toward her neck to sever her head from her body.:: XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she rolled over to the side:: Solinari15: ::the sword hit the floor and sent up sparks. Tatl grimaced and snarled.:: You ungrateful little bitch! XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she quickly glanced over at Rysina to make sure that she was still unconscious, which, she was:: Solinari15: I'm trying to do you a favor! XLoneCrysoliteX: I don't want to die...I just want to sleeeeeep XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she crawled over to Rysina's unmoving body:: Solinari15: ::he walked over to his little sister and reached into his belt pouch. he pulled out a pinch of sand and sprinkled it over his sister's body. He began to mutter in a strange language under his breath. Once he was finished he smiled. Solinari15: There little sister, that should help you sleep. XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she coughed:: Solinari15: It's a sleep spell. I hope you dream. Solinari15: Nice dreams Solinari15: Warm dreams. Solinari15: Happy dreams of a better time, or dreams of things that may yet come. XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she tried to stand up, but she fell to the ground, growing sleepy:: Solinari15: Dreams, dreams...why can some dream and some can't? Solinari15: I hope you can dream sister. XLoneCrysoliteX: Dream of killing you again.... Solinari15: Dream for the both of us. Solinari15: ::he pulled back his hood, bearing a face that was terribly scarred. He grinned again.:: Oh yes. I long to die and have another little....vacation. Solinari15: Sleep tight, little sister. XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she was horrified by it, but then drifted off to sleep:: Solinari15: ::the grin still plastered on his face, he kicked her body over and drew the sword up, point facing at her heart:: I've always hated and loved and hated hated hated you, little sister. You need another little trip. Another little cup of death. Solinari15: ::he plunged his sword into her heart:: Yngslayer: ::Footsteps sounded:: XLoneCrysoliteX: ::her eyes opened wide:: XLoneCrysoliteX: ::then blood poored out the side of her mouth:: Yngslayer: ::Rapid, quicky. Unusual for elves, but they are Evaelon and needed this to sound good...so run run run:: Yngslayer: ;:so.um. Tatl is gonna find himself surrounded:: Solinari15: ::he twisted the sword with grim satisfaction written all over his face:: Good night, little sister. ::he then yanked the sword roughly out of her body and cleaned it on her clothes, resheathed it and began laughing, unaware of all by unhappy, pissed look Evaelon guards:: Solinari15: soldiers around him:: XLoneCrysoliteX: Ugh... Yngslayer: ::Arrows flew at him, wounding shots: XLoneCrysoliteX: ::her head turned to the side; her body lay lifeless:: Yngslayer: ::The arrows had a toxin in them to paralyze him if he's hit:: Solinari15: ::the arrows penetrated his body, and yet he laughed on, even as he felt the paralyzing toxin course through his blood:: Solinari15: You cannot stop me. ::he suddenly said, deathly serious:: Yngslayer: ::No one replied, they only kept attacking him by arrow means:: Solinari15: ::little flickering lights the size of peas began to appear in the air, one for every guard:: Solinari15: I hope you all like fire. ::he grinned, and the lights shot off, hitting the guards and where they touched flesh or cloth, then ignited.:: Solinari15: (actually, it's a spell called Fireball) Solinari15: (and it burns) Yngslayer: ::So certain guards are burned...usual yelling and some panic, yet they still attack:: Yngslayer: ::However, the two bodies of Crys and Ry began to move by an unseen force:: Yngslayer: (the sword's out of crys, right?) Solinari15: (yes) XLoneCrysoliteX: ::a trail of blood was left along the floor from where she slid:: Yngslayer: ::They're being led to the doorway, arrows and the such are.. bouncing off of the both of them:: Solinari15: ::he snarled at the guards and summoned air to create a box around him so no more arrows would hit him:: Yngslayer: ::The bodies would then be lifted and soon disappear from Tatl's sight. Two strong Elves are waiting for the bodies, on horses. One takes Crys and the other Ry before making off for Evaelon:: Yngslayer: ::The guards slowly pull out of the Main Hall:: Yngslayer: (uhm. yeah. I'd tend to think the citizens would've been avucated to like..somewhere safer) Yngslayer: (like Helm's Deep) Solinari15: ::Tatl fell flat onto his face after the guards had retreated, breathing like a winded horse.:: I hate arrows and I hate toxins even more, damn damn them for shooting me. I'll just rest...and pull out the arrows later. Yngslayer: ::After all the guards vanished from the Main Hall and pulled out of Gaelon, a few figures were left standing, chanting a lock down spell on the city:: Yngslayer: ::So that no one may leave or enter:: Yngslayer: ::blah blah blah:: Yngslayer: ::and then some:: Yngslayer: ::c and ry are taken into the medical wing in Evaelon, where Jael is still at:: Yngslayer: ::So. Crys is being examined, healers are there:: Solinari15: (so...are we done tonight?) Yngslayer: (and all that good stuff) Yngslayer: (house of healing) Yngslayer: (JRC are healing) XLoneCrysoliteX: (lol...the house of healing) Yngslayer: (RJC.....rcj Yngslayer: ooc? Solinari15: ooc ::nod:: XLoneCrysoliteX: OOC |