
VSyeira: IC
XLoneCrysoliteX: IC

VSyeira: ::Kyle eyed them:: Talk about what, exactly? ::His legs were stretched out and crossed at the ankles on top of the coffee table::
XLoneCrysoliteX: We need to discuss what's going to happen with Tatl.
VSyeira: Ah, yeah. Him. ::He said him with disgust:: What of him?
XLoneCrysoliteX: I personally don't think he should be kept locked up like he is, but he cannot be released with his current...uh, attittude?
VSyeira: Attitude meaning what I did to him, or all three of us?
XLoneCrysoliteX: Well, especially after what you have done to him. I'm sure he wouldn't just let that go.
VSyeira: He deserved it.
VSyeira: He deserves a lot of things ::Jael commented::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she sighed:: I just don't feel right keeping someone chained up to rot like that.
VSyeira: Sometimes to do the right thing....you gotta do things you may not like
VSyeira: Being merciful could mean your life
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::looking at him, she shook her head::
XLoneCrysoliteX: Isn't there something else we could do?
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she looked to Jael:: Some kind of spell, perhaps?
VSyeira: What spells do we know that he doesn't know?
VSyeira: ::Kyle groaned::
VSyeira: You two rely on magick?
XLoneCrysoliteX: Well..
XLoneCrysoliteX: If we could somehow make him less dangerous
VSyeira: That boy? Less dangerous and still breathing?
VSyeira: How?
XLoneCrysoliteX: Magick is a powerful thing
VSyeira: So I've heard
VSyeira: ::And felt before, he reflected sadly. He hated magick::
VSyeira: ::Jael sensed Kyle's tension:: Are you alright?
VSyeira: ::Kyle nodded::
XLoneCrysoliteX: If we could somehow...well, manipulate his mind so that he wouldn't want to attack or hurt us..
VSyeira: Magick always....ALWAYS...backfires
VSyeira: What if this spell wears off while we're sleeping?
VSyeira: While I'm gone?
XLoneCrysoliteX: I don't know...
XLoneCrysoliteX: (uh..lol)
VSyeira: You need to think about something like that. I know you may think I'm treating you like kids or what not...and I know you guys have more expertise with this...."man" than me....but I grow up, as you can say, on things going wrong
XLoneCrysoliteX: I don't know what else we could do
VSyeira: Well. What exactly do you gotta do?
VSyeira: With the spell...
XLoneCrysoliteX: I'm sure if Jael and I combined powers, it wouldn't be too hard. IF we were to do this
VSyeira: Have you ever done something like this before...wait....do you even know what you're doing?
XLoneCrysoliteX: Yes, for the most part
VSyeira: Most part?
XLoneCrysoliteX: There's always a risk involved
VSyeira: What else is new.
VSyeira: ::He sighed::
VSyeira: If this blows up in our face, don't forget that I told you so
XLoneCrysoliteX: Do you have a better idea?
VSyeira: Yeah, actually I do
VSyeira: You freeze the basta...::he stopped himself:: You freeze this ... joker up.
VSyeira: In case him in ice
VSyeira: Really!
VSyeira: Won't kill him
VSyeira: Just....
VSyeira: Freeze him...
VSyeira: ::he smiled::
VSyeira: ::Jael lifted an eyebrow:: /I think he does hang around...Murdock...too much/
XLoneCrysoliteX: /I think you're right.../
XLoneCrysoliteX: I don't think that would work
VSyeira: Why?
VSyeira: Make him an iceberg
XLoneCrysoliteX: Do you have any ideas, Jael?
VSyeira: Labotomy
VSyeira: ::kyle snorted::
VSyeira: i like that one
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she sighed again::
VSyeira: So we got three choices...which to pick
XLoneCrysoliteX: I object to turning him into ice
VSyeira: Labotomy then
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she put her hand to her head::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::Rysina started to walk towards the stairs:: I give up. Do whatever..
VSyeira: How can you have pity for him?
VSyeira: He would kill you given the chance
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she paused, turning to him:: I guess it's just something you males wouldn't understand. We females seem to have more compassion..I don't know
VSyeira: Even to killers?
VSyeira: Murders? Monsters?
XLoneCrysoliteX: (ain't he describing himself?)
VSyeira: (in a way, and relating it to tatl)
VSyeira: (he views tatl as much as a monster as he is)

XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she just looked at him::
VSyeira: ::He stared at her for a while before he looked away and stood up::
VSyeira: I'll be downstairs when you two decide
VSyeira: He's your problem
VSyeira: ::He walked out of the livingroom::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::Rysina sat down on the bottom step::
XLoneCrysoliteX: I don't know what to do anymore
VSyeira: You're doing fine
XLoneCrysoliteX: I just feel like we're locking him up like some kind of animal.
VSyeira: ::He went over to her:: He is an animal, for the most part
XLoneCrysoliteX: No he's not..
VSyeira: How can you say that? He killed Crysolite. Tortured me. Taunted you, and maybe more for all I know. He tore the Elven Worlds apart
XLoneCrysoliteX: That does not make him an animal. It just makes him evil.
VSyeira: Anyone that kills another is an animal in my eye, not just evil
XLoneCrysoliteX: Then we are all animals?
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she looked down after a while::
VSyeira: Who did you kill?
VSyeira: I've killed in cold blood
VSyeira: Like Tatl.
VSyeira: ::He wasn't happy at that thought::
VSyeira: Crys was innocent
VSyeira: Those elves, most of them, were innocent, just doing their duty
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she shook her head and stood up::
XLoneCrysoliteX: We obviously can't all agree on something..
VSyeira: What do you want to do?
VSyeira: You know that I trust your opinion
XLoneCrysoliteX: I've told you my idea. If we could make him less dangerous, so that he could not hurt us..
VSyeira: Then let's...
VSyeira: ::he hesitated, but continued::let's try it
XLoneCrysoliteX: Are you sure? I mean, he might still be...himself...but just wouldn't try to kill us. Maybe, I'm not really sure.
VSyeira: Yes, I'm sure. We're not killers like he is
XLoneCrysoliteX: He might still be his annoying, odd self. Walking around this house, freely.
VSyeira: ::He nodded::
XLoneCrysoliteX: I guess we'll try it then..
VSyeira: If you're sure
XLoneCrysoliteX: More sure than freezing him into an iceburg...
VSyeira: You did ask him if he had any ideas
XLoneCrysoliteX: I thought he might come up with something a little more logical than that
VSyeira: He's only...human...or...whatever he is..
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she shrugged and headed towards the basement::
VSyeira: ::He followed her::
VSyeira: ::kyle was sitting on a crate snarling lowly at tatl when they'd get there::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::Rysina came down, glad they weren't beating on each other yet::
XLoneCrysoliteX: Ohh! We're having a party? I LOVE parties!!!
VSyeira: Really? You could be ... prime rib... ::he grinned at the thought of it::
XLoneCrysoliteX: I'm sure they'd rather have fried werewolf
VSyeira: I don't know if they'd like the fur
XLoneCrysoliteX: They'll skin ya, no problem
XLoneCrysoliteX: Or defur you
VSyeira: At least they wouldn't have to add spices to me
XLoneCrysoliteX: Excuse me?
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::he stood as well as he could with the chains:: I'm SPICYYY!!!!
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::Rysina groaned at the two::
VSyeira: Where, exactly? ::Kyle lifted an eyebrow, rising as well:: You couldn't even pass as a chickennn
XLoneCrysoliteX: I'm NOT a chicken! They'd have to invent some new kind of flavor just for me! I'd taste that good
XLoneCrysoliteX: One-of-a-kind, baby
VSyeira: That's the only thing you're right about...
XLoneCrysoliteX: Hey!
VSyeira: Dic....::Kyle broke himself off::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::he made a thrust towards kyle::
VSyeira: ::Kyle snarled at him before walking back towards Ry::
XLoneCrysoliteX: ::she looked back to Jael:: /You sure you want to try and go through with this?/
VSyeira: If it doesn't work, I'll use his arms as chewing bones, then doing a labtomoy before freezing his sorry....
VSyeira: ....Just do it. ::He left to go back upstairs::
VSyeira: /I don't want to....but...I know you do/
VSyeira: OOC
XLoneCrysoliteX: OOC