VSyeira (1:23:20 AM): IC? XlonecrysoliteX (1:23:24 AM): IC VSyeira (1:23:59 AM): ::V blinked:: Murdered? XlonecrysoliteX (1:24:08 AM): ::Tatl continued glaring at Kyle:: VSyeira (1:24:24 AM): How...? ::She glanced over at Crysolite:: Are you two all right? VSyeira (1:25:07 AM): ::Kyle nodded slightly.:: Better than Ann, that's for sure. XlonecrysoliteX (1:26:01 AM): Yes, we're fine...what do you think we could do, if anything? VSyeira (1:26:27 AM): (Crys asking Ky or V?) XlonecrysoliteX (1:26:33 AM): (anyone) VSyeira (1:27:21 AM): ::kyle shook his head, but didn't verbally answer her, or anyone for that matter. In fact, he stood up and walked out of the room and into the kitchen for a drink:: VSyeira (1:28:06 AM): ::V frowned slightly, looking after his retreating form before looking back over at Crysolite:: I'm...confused. How did this Annie person die? XlonecrysoliteX (1:28:56 AM): I don't know much, other than he got a phone call and someone was after her or something? ::she sighed:: Why do these kinds of things always have to happen? VSyeira (1:29:50 AM): Karma? ::She took a seat and crossed her right leg over her left knee:: Anything else happened? XlonecrysoliteX (1:29:58 AM): ::Tatl lingered a moment longer before heading to the kitchen himself:: XlonecrysoliteX (1:31:34 AM): Uhh...not really.. ::she looked down, kind of embarassed about what happened at the restaurant. She'd look up to see her brother leave the room:: VSyeira (1:31:35 AM): ::Kyle looked up at smelling Tatl's odor, but he didn't make a remark. He just leaned against the counter and guzzled down a beer:: VSyeira (1:32:27 AM): Doesn't..sound like nothing. ::V watched her:: Please, sit down. You're welcomed here. XlonecrysoliteX (1:33:26 AM): ::Tatl walked right up to Kyle and grabbed the beer from him:: VSyeira (1:33:40 AM): What's your problem? XlonecrysoliteX (1:34:25 AM): Uh, thanks ::she sat down on the couch:: Really, not much happened other than that... XlonecrysoliteX (1:35:21 AM): I don't want you near my sister ever again ::his face was dead serious:: VSyeira (1:36:22 AM): ::Kyle blandly looked at him:: I don't think it's your place to tell me what I can or can't do. XlonecrysoliteX (1:40:08 AM): ::his eyes narrowed:: I know how you like to screw around, so I'm telling you ahead of time, stay the fuck away from her VSyeira (1:41:01 AM): Screw around? Excuse me? And when the fuck did you 'know' me? XlonecrysoliteX (1:42:17 AM): Well you sure as hell didn't make things easier for Jael and Rysina, now did you? VSyeira (1:42:49 AM): What is that supposed to mean? Like you did? XlonecrysoliteX (1:44:42 AM): I'm talking about you and Crys. Just stay away from her, got it wolfie boy? ::he took a sip of the beer and then set is hard on the counter:: VSyeira (1:45:43 AM): Or what? She isn't fucked up as the other two of your kind and your doing XlonecrysoliteX (1:47:09 AM): I wonder what's going on in there, eh V? VSyeira (1:48:03 AM): Boys being boys. ::She flashed her a grin:: What else? XlonecrysoliteX (1:48:15 AM): ::he shrugged:: No she isn't, which is why I don't want you to mess her up either VSyeira (1:48:27 AM): How have things been? We have much to catch up on, I'd imagine. VSyeira (1:49:37 AM): Me? Mess her up? ::Kyle laughed hard:: She's a friend, I wouldn't hurt her unlike others. Unlike you. XlonecrysoliteX (1:49:38 AM): Pretty hectic, you know. The usual ::she grinned:: VSyeira (1:50:46 AM): Indeed. ::V stretched her arms over her head, some human habits were still hard to break after so many centuries:: Things have changed a lot in my absence it seems. XlonecrysoliteX (1:51:35 AM): Leave her alone and it's a guarantee you won't hurt her. Good! ::he turned and started walking toward the living room again:: VSyeira (1:52:52 AM): ::Kyle shook his head at Tatl's retreating form:: XlonecrysoliteX (1:52:57 AM): Yeah, I guess so. Everything seems to be changing a little too much lately VSyeira (1:53:34 AM): Time can be a little bugger. ::She looked up, sensing Tatl:: Everything all right between you boys? XlonecrysoliteX (1:54:51 AM): Oh, just peachie. I think we understand each other a bit better ::he grinned:: VSyeira (1:55:25 AM): ::She lifted an eyebrow:: VSyeira (1:56:39 AM): /V, I'm going to *KILL* that mother fucker if he doesn't stop dicking around with me./ ::She blinked:: /Calm down, Kyle. Come back in here so we can try to figure things out./ /Forget it./ VSyeira (1:58:37 AM): ::The back door would be heard as it was slammed shut:: XlonecrysoliteX (1:59:30 AM): ::Crysolite looked to Tatl:: What did you do... XlonecrysoliteX (2:00:09 AM): ::Tatl shrugged:: He's probably just upset about his friend VSyeira (2:00:32 AM): I doubt if that's all. XlonecrysoliteX (2:02:17 AM): Then the man is full of mysteries! ::he sat down in a chair and sighed:: VSyeira (2:04:02 AM): ::V shook her head, irritated, and went after Kyle:: XlonecrysoliteX (2:05:09 AM): ::After Va'Shanna left, Crysolite immediately looked at Tatl and gave him a hard kick to the shin:: VSyeira (2:06:24 AM): ::Kyle was found walking idly around in the backyard when he came across a blue ballcap with fresh blood still on it. Frowning a bit, he knelt down to pick the cap up. It looked oddly similiar to one Murdock usually wore.:: What the hell. . . XlonecrysoliteX (2:08:26 AM): OWCH! What was that for?! XlonecrysoliteX (2:08:46 AM): Sorry...spasm VSyeira (2:09:22 AM): ::He started to stand back up when a wave of dizziness hit him hard like a wave. He staggered for a few steps before he shook his head, trying to get rid of it, not realizing the cap had somehow been tampered with. That's when he felt the spasm of the electricity hit his back:: Gah! F---! ::He crashed to the ground:: VSyeira (2:11:24 AM): Kyle? ::V quickened her pace as she heard him tell her to go back, it was a trap of some sort. She opened her senses a bit and sensed all the humanoids lingering around her backyard and other locations, surrounding her house.:: Not again! VSyeira (2:12:51 AM): /Crysolite, get yourself and your brother the hell out of here!/ ::she demanded mentally as she turned herself into mist:: VSyeira (2:13:27 AM): ::Sprays of bullets sounded outside:: XlonecrysoliteX (2:14:06 AM): ::Crysolite's eyes went wide and both her and Tatl would jump up at the sudden sound:: XlonecrysoliteX (2:15:07 AM): ::she looked over at Tatl and they both headed quickly toward the front door:: VSyeira (2:16:23 AM): ::Blindingly bright lights were displayed outside of the front doors, soliders on foot were apparent outside of the house:: XlonecrysoliteX (2:17:13 AM): Okay...guess we aren't going this way.. XlonecrysoliteX (2:18:22 AM): ::Tatl grabbed her by the wrist and headed upstairs:: Maybe one of the windows.. VSyeira (2:19:39 AM): ::Blue electrial bonds formed around Kyle's body, binding his arms to his sides and his legs together as he was dragged off on the grass. He couldn't focus for some reason to shape shift, hell he was too stunned and his senses overload to get angry enough TO even attempt it:: VSyeira (2:20:10 AM): ::Glass shattered into a million pieces as marching feet slowly started to fill the house:: XlonecrysoliteX (2:23:43 AM): Dammit... ::he started running, pulling Crysolite behind him, and headed to one of the empty rooms at the end of the hallway, quickly and quietly closing the door behind them:: XlonecrysoliteX (2:24:10 AM): ::Crysolite ran to the window and looked out:: XlonecrysoliteX (2:24:22 AM): (would there be like, tons of guys below?) VSyeira (2:25:00 AM): (about 5-7. Small groups dispersed into different sections ) VSyeira (2:25:54 AM): ::V worked her way slowly through the "army", snagging necks here or there, punching, blocking, kicking, parrying:: XlonecrysoliteX (2:26:43 AM): Doesn't look too good down there either.. XlonecrysoliteX (2:27:33 AM): Well I doubt it's any better in that hallway.. VSyeira (2:28:10 AM): Get. The. Hell. OFF. My. PROPERTY! ::V roared as she continued on her attacks:: XlonecrysoliteX (2:29:39 AM): ::Tatl opened the window and looked out himself:: VSyeira (2:30:11 AM): ::"insert more descriptions of battle fights":: XlonecrysoliteX (2:31:13 AM): ::Tatl started to climb out:: XlonecrysoliteX (2:32:20 AM): Hey...wait! ::she'd jump out after him and would catch him, using her wings to slow their fall:: VSyeira (2:32:41 AM): ::Suddenly, the attackers started to withdraw after barely seven minutes of their siege on V's house:: XlonecrysoliteX (2:34:24 AM): That was...fairly easy ::blink:: XlonecrysoliteX (2:34:46 AM): /Va'Shanna? Are you okay?/ VSyeira (2:35:33 AM): ::V started to take a swing at an attacker, but promptly fell forward on her face when her opponent disappeared:: Bloody hell! /Yes...how are you and your brother?/ XlonecrysoliteX (2:35:58 AM): /We're fine...what's going on?/ VSyeira (2:36:43 AM): /Hell if I know. I just heard Kyle telling me to back off after he yelled and then...hunters? were everywhere./ XlonecrysoliteX (2:37:34 AM): /Oh...so he's not there with you?/ VSyeira (2:38:10 AM): /No...he's not there with you?/
XlonecrysoliteX (2:39:39 AM): /...no/ XlonecrysoliteX (2:40:36 AM): ::Crysolite took off running around the house to where the back door was and would eventually spot V:: VSyeira (2:40:39 AM): ::She swore quietly in Gaelic:: XlonecrysoliteX (2:40:54 AM): Uh...hey! ::he'd follow her:: VSyeira (2:41:29 AM): ::V shook her head:: I don't sense him anywhere XlonecrysoliteX (2:42:00 AM): Oh...so they got him, huh? XlonecrysoliteX (2:42:42 AM): ::he sighed, knowing they would want to find him. Damn wolf:: VSyeira (2:43:19 AM): You ::she pointed her index finger at him:: shut the hell up. VSyeira (2:43:50 AM): ::She walked towards the ball cap she swore she had seen Kyle touch:: VSyeira (2:45:05 AM): This looks like Murdock's, ::she murmured quietly, kneeling down to look at it:: XlonecrysoliteX (2:45:05 AM): ::Tatl put his hands up, palms facing out and took a step behind him, to show he was backing off:: XlonecrysoliteX (2:45:50 AM): Murdock? How would he be involved in this? VSyeira (2:46:52 AM): ::V shook her head:: I don't know. Insurance maybe? ' VSyeira (2:47:46 AM): Apparently they--whoever they are--only wanted Kyle. They could've taken all of us if they wanted to, I'm sure. XlonecrysoliteX (2:50:07 AM): ::why would they want him?:: VSyeira (2:50:35 AM): (did he say that out loud?) XlonecrysoliteX (2:50:42 AM): (nope) XlonecrysoliteX (2:50:56 AM): (he's not that stupid) XlonecrysoliteX (2:51:43 AM): ::and why do I always get dragged into these things?:: VSyeira (2:52:05 AM): Great. Murdock and Kyle's missing, apparently. One werewolf's been killed. A werewolf king captured. And an insane human. Not to mention we have no leads. VSyeira (2:52:08 AM): ::Fuck:: XlonecrysoliteX (2:53:00 AM): Why do these things always happen!?!? ::she pulled at her hair:: XlonecrysoliteX (2:53:41 AM): ::watch, they'll blame it on me for making poor wolfie stomp outta the house:: VSyeira (2:54:14 AM): Hey, come on now. I need your help. ::She fixed her eyes on Tatl:: BOTH of your two's help. I've been out of the picture here for nearly two years XlonecrysoliteX (2:55:11 AM): ::yeah, and I could care less about him...:: So what do we have to do? VSyeira (2:56:12 AM): Figure out a plan. A strategy. And fix my home. Again. ::She pouted:: XlonecrysoliteX (2:56:56 AM): Well...they might have been the same hunters from back during that war thing...if so, I think I can remember where they were located, IF it is them VSyeira (2:58:37 AM): Hunters? War? ::She had vague memories of that time. All she mainly remembered from that time period was nearly turning evil, wanting to kill Maverick and bath in his blood, and helping Nick cope with his new nature before they both were captured and nearly killed:: XlonecrysoliteX (2:59:28 AM): Jolie and I were taken by them for a brief time. VSyeira (3:00:01 AM): What happened? What can you tell me about them? XlonecrysoliteX (3:02:41 AM): Um...I guess they were just interested in seeing what we were exactly VSyeira (3:03:40 AM): What you were? As in ..... ::her voice trailed off and her eyes closed briefly:: Murdock won't survive their type of tactics that I'm thinking of. He IS only human XlonecrysoliteX (3:05:45 AM): Then we have to hurry with whatever we're going to do. Should we try this building? VSyeira (3:05:57 AM): What building? XlonecrysoliteX (3:06:11 AM): That Jolie and I were held in? VSyeira (3:06:42 AM): Yeah. Let me just change into more appropriate clothing VSyeira (3:08:05 AM): ::Poof. Mists:: XlonecrysoliteX (3:08:24 AM): Hey Crys..I might be able to get us there faster. So what's this building look like, hmm? VSyeira (3:09:31 AM): ::After a few minutes, she rematerializes in nylon black pants and a matching black shirt. She was also equiped with a few blade edged weapons:: XlonecrysoliteX (3:10:00 AM): Oh...well...::she'd close her eyes to imagine it, tracing the path they had taken from the building to Murdock's, and sent this to Tatl:: XlonecrysoliteX (3:11:31 AM): Hmm...alright then. Well. ::he held out a hand to each of them:: Shall we? Unless you want to do your own poof, Va'Shanna VSyeira (3:12:01 AM): :She took his hand: Just get us there in one piece XlonecrysoliteX (3:12:25 AM): ::Crysolite took his hand as well:: XlonecrysoliteX (3:13:27 AM): Gladly ::he grinned at the vampire and they all *poofed* and would end up near the building that Crysolite had described, out of view of any nearby guards that may be there:: XlonecrysoliteX (3:14:01 AM): This looks like it ::she whispered:: VSyeira (3:14:46 AM): ::V nodded a little:: He--they--feel near. XlonecrysoliteX (3:15:35 AM): So...how do we get in? VSyeira (3:15:55 AM): Getting in isn't as hard as what to DO when we do. XlonecrysoliteX (3:16:14 AM): I could create a distraction if necessary XlonecrysoliteX (3:16:50 AM): Check all the rooms for Kyle or Murdock? VSyeira (3:16:50 AM): It might be. VSyeira (3:17:01 AM): How many rooms are there? VSyeira (3:17:19 AM): ::Just by judging the size of the building, there appeared to be many rooms:: XlonecrysoliteX (3:17:37 AM): I do not recall..I kinda jumped out the side when the wall was blown up.. XlonecrysoliteX (3:17:51 AM): But I think we were on the second floor? VSyeira (3:19:07 AM): ::V noddd:: Well, we better come up with a quick plan here. I want to extract them outta there alive. XlonecrysoliteX (3:20:12 AM): So how great does your "sensing" work? VSyeira (3:20:38 AM): Pretty well. What are you thinking of? XlonecrysoliteX (3:21:07 AM): Can't you just..run by the rooms and try to sense for them? VSyeira (3:21:57 AM): Depends on the chemicals and odors that goes on in there. If it's anything like garlic or something too overpowering, I won't be able to XlonecrysoliteX (3:23:14 AM): If I were a top secret hunter group, I don't know if I'd have garlic things hanging everywhere...but that's just me VSyeira (3:23:40 AM): Depends on which creature you were experimenting on VSyeira (3:23:55 AM): ooc XlonecrysoliteX (3:24:00 AM): ooc