Dedication To The Underestimated Nick
So, I've finally decided to make this page up considering everything I'm doing to this poor guy and lady luck as of late. I've been wanting to make up such a page for a long time. We should never forgot how Nick originally got started in this darkening line of business.
In July of 1997, we are first introduced to him when he is set on an assignment to take out none other than Va'Shanna, who is currently taking up residence in New York. Va'Shanna herself was just returning from a journey of her own to San Francisco, where she had a conference with old acquaints of hers and involved her helping the local vampires in San Francisco go on a bloody hunt for a renegade vampire that was threatening major exposure in the sloppiest of ways. This seemingly good-deed will unknowingly bit her back in the butt, and V knows it, but doesn't know when or where, and doesn't really care. He is busy as a bee, outside of her apartment building, studying and going over his procedure and plans, waiting for the perfect time; he had already broken into her apartment earlier and planted bugs to assist him in knowing her schedule.
It is clear that Nick does, for a fact, know that there are such creatures as vampires. But there is a constant inner struggle of him denying such facts, and he simply believes that the claims of "vampires" and "werewolves" are simply exaggerations of his employers who had been part of a paranormal sector within the government (Sector 37) that was disbanded shortly after the Vietnam War, and that these enemies were simply experiments gone terribly wrong. Least to say, his encounter with V proved to give a new spin on the subject and what he believed and didn't believe.
After a brawl after he had broken into her apartment, they separated, not killing one another for reasons neither could really figure out. After Nick had done further research, he discovered that he himself was being hunted and the contract on V was in hopes of his failure so they could be rid of him and use the exposure of V murdering him to exploit the underground culture. His "employers" had failed at that too. Nick, with surprising help from V had put an end to them where he was off the hook and back to working freelance. After the dealings that had followed from that July night, they had made a shady and semi-truce relationship. Both did research and kept tabs on the other, both curious, and for protection.
Three months later, when she was planning on leaving the country to visit her homeland of Ireland, Nick had returned back on her doorstep asking if they could talk some and if she was interested in a business relationship with him. They made a complete truce and started on the road of a shaky trust relationship that they intended to keep completely platonic and nothing more or less. She paid him good money, and he was able to do what he did best; get into trouble and shot at. "I haven't been shot at in two weeks...gets kinda borin' after the initial seventy-two hours."
They slowly built up a friendship and deep respect for the other during their time together on follies they would get themselves into because of their own mishaps, or while "helping"/"taking" care of personal business. It wasn't until 1999 when Va'Shanna got herself into deep trouble and when Nick realized why she was so cold and closed off to everyone; is when her father had come back from the dead and tormented her from the inside out. At this time, we were also introduced to Murdock, on the run from the military, his past, and nearly everything else that came in contact with his life, when Nick had to charter a plane to the artic in tracking down V. This is also the first time she puts Nick's life in danger when she nearly kills him from draining him and wanting to eat him whole, blood and meat wise. Also is the first time Nick clearly understands and finds out her general background, past all the lies and rumors he had previously read up on.
Even so, with two years passing, they were growing an attraction to each other and kissed infrequently; he not sure if he really wanted to risk becoming a vampire or risk her turning on him, and she not sure if she wanted to let anyone that close to her after so long. Later in 1999, they finally slept together.
Their fast-growing relationship wasn't easy, given their backgrounds and animalistic natures, not to mention Nick's brother, Father John Vari, when he was introduced to what V was when he had been captured to be used against Nick on more than one occasion.
Mid year of 2002, Nick was nearly murdered by a stray bullet that popped him in the side of his head. With his vampiress help, he was given enough blood to help his brain cells recover so that the rest of his life wouldn't be wasted as a vegetable. The blood was just enough to help him heal, however, not enough to bring him across. Yet, now with Va'Shanna's blood running through his veins, if his body is not destroyed, he will rise again as a vampire after the true death now. After great amounts of thought and consideration, he finally popped the questioned, asking V to become his wife and she accepted. They were married July 15th, 2002.
Starting with July of 2003 and months to follow would turn out to taken great tolls and burdens on Nick, all including his apparent death, resurrection, and further capture by the Black Hand that would lead to a life of something new that would test new boundaries next boundaries of where he stood with himself, V, his brother, and rest of the world.
And for rest of catch up and exciting adventures of Nick, look out for upcoming new stories! There is a section that is due to be rising with him before V and even during—only they'll be more focused with him and his outlook on things... mwuahhahahaa!
Added: 4-16-05. 12:16am EST