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Nightmarish Slumber
![]() John had slid into the driver's seat and driven out of the forest with Angel in the passenger seat. He drove out of the area until he saw a moderately cheap motel and pulled in. "I don't think I can go in there like this…"
"Don't worry babe…I'll go in and get a room." Angel smiled at him as she got out of the car, taking John's wallet that had been left in the Jeep. A few minutes later, she returned with a key in hand and motioned for him to go around to the back of the motel.
"Want a lift to the room?" he asked, reaching over to open the door for her.
"It's okay." She handed the key to him and took some money from his wallet. "I'm going across the street to Wal*Mart and getting you some clothes."
"Thanks, hon. Be careful."
"I will. You just take it easy. What size do you where anyway?"
He named off some sizes for pants. "…and for shirts, mediums or larges…I like the looseness." He grinned.
"All right…I'll be back soon." She leaned over and kissed him softly before getting out of the Jeep and closing the door and headed off across the street to Wal*Mart.
He watched her a while longer before he rolled off to the back of the building and parked before he hurried into the motel to avoid being spotted nude.
About thirty minutes later, there was a knock at the motel's door. John walked out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist as he went to the door and looked through the spyhole, and seeing that it was Angel, he let her in.
She smiled at him before handing over a bag of clothes. "Well…at least it's something," she said, eyeing the towel.
"Thanks. Come on in."
She had gotten him some boxers, jeans, and a black t-shirt with a white dragon on it, along with a pair of socks. She entered the room and sat down on the bed, smiling at him.
He closed the door after her and put her clothes down on the floor and sat down beside her without bothering to dress. "Hey, you okay?"
"Yeah…just a bit tired…and apparently my side is bleeding," she said this as if it was nothing. Simply rising from the bed, peeling off her clothes and heading towards the bathroom to take a shower.
John sat there for a moment, dumbfounded, then stood up and followed her in. She had a wet towel held to her side, and it being white, there was some blood staining it.
"How bad is it?"
"Not bad…just one of the side scabs opened…it'll stop in a while."
"You sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure!" She smiled at him before she turned on the water.
"Need any help?"
"I'm fine, John." She smiled at him again. "You can join me if you wish." With this said, she closed the curtain.
He grinned to himself then let the towel drop to the floor as he joined her in the shower. She simply washed her hair and body, then carefully her side.
"What happened to you earlier?" he asked softly.
"I don't know…I think when I went off…away…I sat down and I think I passed out or something."
"Was it anything…serious?"
"V said I was close to vampiric coma…"
"…which is?"
"Coma for a vampire…and it can be dangerous."
He frowned. She glanced at him, as a hand rose to move back a golden strand. "John don't worry."
"I have to worry."
She kissed him softly before getting out of the shower and wrapped a clean towel about her thin frame. He followed her out and wrapped his arms around her and kissed the nape of her neck. She smiled softly as she leaned back against him in his arms.
"I must say you have some…uh…interesting friends."
"Yeah." He looked down at her and smiled, resting his chin on the top of her head.
"You're too kind." Angel yawned softly as she moved from him and to the bag of clothes where she pulled out a smaller bag of medication, and a large shirt.
He followed her to the bag to pull free some boxers and put them on after he dried himself off. He sat down on the foot end of the bed. Drying herself off and dropping the towel, she put some medicated ointment on the wound before putting a large Band-Aid over it, then her undergarment and the shirt followed before she climbed onto the bed. John looked back at her.
"Tired, huh?" He crawled towards her.
"Yeah…can you close the thick curtains please?"
"Thank you." She climbed under the sheets and lay on her stomach, closing her eyes. He rolled off the bed and brought the curtains in, and making sure no sun would peek through, he walked back to the bed and joined her, lying on his side.
"Night, hon."
"Night, babe." She moved closer to him, turning so that she was lying on her good side.
Sometime during the sleep, she had rolled onto her back and hadn't moved since. John was snoozing quietly, but often twitched as if he was having a nightmare, before he woke up sometime in the afternoon. Normally, she would have woken an hour or so after the sun had set, but it was three hours and she hadn't moved.
John looked at the clock nervously, then Angel before he shook her shoulder gently. "Angel?"
She still didn't move other than the movement caused by him.
Uh oh. Again, he shook her. "Angel?"
Once more, she remained still, looking peaceful.
"Oh, crap. Angel, wake up!"
She moved a bit, moving an arm over her side.
Again, he shook her arm. "Angel…Angel…wake up."
"Mmm, what?" Groggily, she cracked an eye open, not really wanting to wake up.
"I've never had this much trouble in trying to wake you," he said, sounding concerned.
"I'm just tired…" She closed her eye again, rolled onto her good side as she pulled a pillow close. "A bit more sleep…then I'll get up…promise….just more sleep. What time?"
"Almost eleven."
"Okay…I'm up…I'm up." Though she didn't really move other than groaning some and hugging the pillow more.
"Angel…this wouldn't have anything to do with that…coma thing, would it?"
"It might…but just lots of sleep and some bug meals when we get home will help."
He nodded slowly, watching her carefully. After a while, she did get up, groggily, and pulled on her pants without bothering to change shirts. John had already gotten dressed in the clothes she had gotten him earlier.
She stuffed her other clothes into the Wal*Mart bag and then yawning again, sat back down on the bed.
"You're *really* tired, aren't you?" he asked, slightly amused.
"Didn't sleep much in the past few weeks...too much pain."
"Well...when we get home, you'll get plenty. Especially in a better bed."
He rubbed the back of his neck. "Ready to go or...?"
"Yeah...the faster we get home... the better."
He offered his hand to her, to help her stand. She yawned again, taking his hand and stood. Grabbing the bag, he wrapped the other arm around her and led her to the door. Angel leaned against him as she let him lead her. He helped her inside the Jeep before moving to the driver seat.
After being on the road for a while, she had fallen asleep again, still peaceful looking. John, not knowing if this usual, or even good or not, worried about her as he drove
She woke with a yawn as the Jeep hit a bump. "Stupid road bumps..."
"You're telling me." He reached over and turned on the radio, making sure it wasn't too loud, but moderately low.
She kept her eyes closed as she rested, occasionally snoozing off, then waking soon after. They hit New York late around four in the morning.
"Home?" she groggily asked.
"Yeah." He killed the engine.
She looked around, rubbing at her eyes lightly. He had parked along side the building that her loft was in. He undid his seat belt and got out of the Jeep and moved to her side of the vehicle and opened her door. "Here, I'll carry you in if you'd like?"
"If you want to babe..." She unbuckled the seat belt and got out of the Jeep.
He picked her up gently in his arms and went up to the loft, carrying her inside and upstairs to the bedroom area, laying her back down on the bed. Almost as soon as Angel's head hit the pillow, she curled up again, yawned and looked as if she wanted to go back to sleep.
"I'm going to go back to V's to collect a few things, and then I'll be back, okay?"
She nodded softly. "Oh... remember to tell Nick that everything is okay. And.…um…stop by the butchers?"
"Thank you." She yawned again.
He looked at her a while longer before leaving to V's house.
When he got back, she was awake, downstairs on the couch, reading a book. He carried in a few ice coolers, which obviously was filled with the blood that Angel needed.
"Hey babe." Angel smiled as she set down an empty mug that had blood in it, obviously she felt better. "Need help?"
"Naw, I got it, thanks."
"Okay." She set the book aside on the coffee table and got up anyway, strolling to him and taking one of the ice coolers. He shook his head at her a little as he set one of the coolers on the table counter. She slid the other cooler into the refrigerator, onto a lower shelf. "Nick, okay?"
"Yeah, all though he's getting angry that V isn't home yet." He looked at her. "You know Nick. I think he might be crazy enough to go search for her."
"Take his keys?"
"Couldn't find 'em." He leaned against the counter and frowned.
"He was probably sitting on them.""
"Knowing my luck, yeah."
She moved to him, kissing him softly. "Stop worrying."
"Angel, this is Nick we're talking about." He sighed.
"You're right...I guess we need to break his other leg." She grinned up at him.
She stuck her tongue out at him playfully.
"You're an evil, evil woman."
"Yes, well that may be, but you love that about me, my evil sense of humor."
He looked as if he was thinking it over. "Hmm…I guess so." He smiled at her and bent his head down a little to kiss her.
She returned the kiss, smiling as well. And for some reason, her hands snaked around his waist and well, grabbed his ass. He arched an eyebrow as he grinned. She smiled, raising her brows in amusement as she wandered back to the couch, sitting back down and picking her book back up.
"Hey...you can't just leave a guy hanging like that!"
"Well... if you are wanting more... come get it."
He walked over to the couch. "Have you been absorbing sugar again?"
"I told you, that last batch of blood you bought had sugar." She smiled up at him.
"I knew it."
"You're enjoying it though."
"Fully." He sat down beside her.
She tossed the book onto the floor as she crawled over to him, straddling his lap before kissing him. He slowly wrapped his arms around her.
"Take me upstairs?"
Without another word, he scooped her up in his arms gently and when upstairs.
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