Player: Katy
Nature: Vampire
Full Name: Kitrina Elizabeth Liam
Nickname: Angel
DoB: August 30, 1660
Age: 343
Apparent Age: 18-21
HTt: 5'5"
WT: 110
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Light blue; when in vampiric form, they are usually a neon yellow
Distinguishing Marks: A tattoo on the samll of her back of a black and red dragon in a Celtic Circle. A scar on her left hip where the brand of Talos (Dark, high demon general God) once was.
Current Status: New York, New York
Past Status: LA, California
Current Job: Nothing, sort of self-employed.
Past Job(s): Assassin
-Enhanced vision/sense
-Increased speed
-Telepathic with vampires and almost any other creature
-Good at reading ancient texts
-Good at ancient magics from any culture
-Mental shielding from others who try to incade her mind
-Actions like a feline, can control some of them
Hometown: Dublin, Ireland
Marital Status:John
Mother's Name: Katherine Tonya Liam (Maiden: Katherine Tonya McDowl); Vampire mother- Va'Shanna Vari
Father's Name: Johnathon Morris Liam
Other Family: None
Children: None.
IQ: Above Normal
Temperament: Mild
Fears: Losing those close to her
Goals: Recovering the humanity that she lost during the time she killed for sport and delight.
Drink: Generally blood, whiskey, tea, and wine on occasion
Favourite Colour(s): Black, red, and blue
Pet Peeves: Sales people and possessing demons
Likes: Books, leather and silk, Celtic music, keeping in touch with Va'Shanna
Dislikes: When people try to deceive her
Background: (Please refer to the story "A Vampire's Night")
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